Your twenties is the time to find yourself and discover who you are

Yes, I still haven’t figured out my life. No, I’m not scared of it.

I’ve spent a hell lot of time trying to make some kind of a “life plan” or where would I like to be in 10 years or something and each time I tried, I failed. Why? Because I was starting with the little things I’d love to do on short term, but couldn’t decide how would that influence my life path on long term. And guess what? It’s ok! Your twenties is the time to find yourself and discover who you are!

They say youth is wasted on the young. But it doesn’t have to be. So let’s use our twenties on learning how to become better individuals, while still enjoying our age.

First, learn to accept and love yourself.

No one will ever love you more that you love yourself, so love you completely, embrace your flaws, accept your mistakes, and take the risks you’re too afraid to take. Life is short, spend every minute of it loving yourself. You are unique, one of a kind, so believing in yourself is the only way you will achieve everything you want to. Believe in you, in your power, in your ideas, because you are the only one who could change your life for the better.

Everything takes time

Careers, relationships, success, everything. Don’t hurry up, don’t get disappointed if you fail at first, stand up and try again, you have all the time in the world.

Invest in experiences, not things

As I said, you have a lot of time and fewer obligations now than you will ever have. So take advantage of that, travel, read, do whatever you feel like doing, experience all the things you want to experience, so enjoy your youth by living life at it’s fullest.

Embrace failure and don’t give up

Everybody fails sometimes. I mean, we all heard about Steve Jobs getting fired from the company he founded, or Paul McCartney writing some really bad song, or Jack Ma not getting accepted to Harvard. But what can we learn from that? Every failure brings you a little closer to success. Failure means you are doing something, you are trying and that’s a start. So don’t get disappointed if one thing goes bad, there are at least 10 good things just waiting to happen. All the successful people are actually normal people who believed that is possible, worked really hard and refused to give up. So don’t give up!

Stop comparing yourself to others

You should be the only person you’re competing with. Don’t look to the side to see what others are doing, they don’t determine either your success or failure. The only person who is responsible about it is YOU! If you’re working for your dream as hard as you can and believe in it as much as you can, that is all that matters.

Dream big, think big

They say nothing in life is free, so for you to achieve your goals, you have to work, sometimes at night, sometimes on weekends, sometimes on vacations or holidays. You have to choose working on your dream, even make short term sacrifices to achieve your long term goal. I’m not saying that it will be easy, but only those who “run the extra mile”  are a step closer to achieving their dreams.

Stop staring at screens and start seeing the beauty around you

I think nobody wants to be grey and old and look back on their lives to realise that all they did was checking their phones, email, social media accounts, etc. I don’t think the grey-haired me will regret that I haven’t finished that TV Series I’m so eager to see right now.  So stop staring at a screen, get outside, do the things you love, be around the ones you love. Don’t record your life, just be there and live it fully!

Know that you are ENOUGH

At some point, all of us felt lonely or insecure in our twenties, which is completely normal, by the way. The thing is for you to realise that you are enough, and even more than that: you are YOU, and that’s your superpower. As the lyrics of “Hall of Fame” by The Script come to my mind: “You can move a mountain/ You can break rocks/ You can be a master/ Don’t wait for luck/ Dedicate yourself and you can find yourself” which is the best advice we could receive.

At last, start taking care of yourself now

The earlier you start paying attention to your body and mind health and start eating properly, start exercising, start reading, meditating and so on, the sooner you will feel good about yourself, inside out. Self-care is a must for your well being, and even your productivity. Taking care of yourself is more than just ticking some boxes to prove that you ate your vegetables. True self-care requires that you actively listen to your body and respond to its needs. So please start doing that!

There’s a lot of pressure at this age to know who you are and what you want to do with your life, but the fact that you are even thinking about it means you’re taking a step in the right direction. And always remember, you are not alone.